How to make a tech company stand out in a group of companies? – Website for Assured Technologies

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Introduction to the project

Assured Europe is a dynamic company operating at airports across Europe, offering modern parking management solutions. With a presence in countries like the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Belgium, the brand combines innovation with functionality. In this case study, we focus on Assured Technologies, a unit responsible for providing advanced software for the parking industry, specializing in airport parking solutions.

Our task was to create a dedicated website that clearly showcases the technology solutions offered by Assured Technologies, setting it apart from the main Assured Europe website.

Key needs of Assured Technologies

In November 2023, Assured Technologies approached us with the challenge of creating a new website. The primary goal was to highlight the offered technological solutions in a way that potential customers could easily understand. The site needed to serve both informational and marketing functions, focusing on the most important aspects of the systems offered, such as ease of use, modernity, and effectiveness.

The client emphasized simplicity, intuitiveness, and clarity in the message so that every visitor could quickly grasp the value of their technology.

Understanding needs and planning

The project began with design workshops aimed at thoroughly understanding the client’s expectations and the specifics of the systems offered by Assured Technologies. Together with the company’s team, we analyzed the details of how the technology works, which allowed us to better identify the values that needed to be highlighted on the website.

We then proceeded to develop the information architecture. Our goal was to create an intuitive site structure that would make it easy for users to navigate and quickly find key information. At this stage, we also focused on creating precise content that clearly outlined the benefits of each system while engaging users with effective calls to action.

Design and implementation process

After planning was completed, we moved on to the design phase. It was crucial to create a responsive design that would ensure optimal appearance and functionality on both mobile and desktop devices. We carefully selected the color scheme, highlighting the brand’s innovation — navy blue and green — which perfectly aligns with Assured Technologies’ image.

The website was designed with easy navigation in mind, with clear sections guiding users through the various technological offerings of the company. The site was implemented on the WordPress platform, providing flexibility and ease of content management. We used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP, as well as the Gutenberg block editor to facilitate future content updates.

Challenges in presenting the technology

The biggest challenge during this project was conveying the complexity of Assured Technologies’ systems in a simple and understandable way for potential customers. The company offers advanced systems, such as integration with gates scanning vehicles or using artificial intelligence to assess the condition of cars. Our goal was to understand these technologies well enough to present them clearly and accessibly, without losing important information.

To achieve this, we focused on creating content that clearly explains the user benefits while maintaining the technical aspects that build trust in the brand. This way, visitors to the site can easily understand what technological solutions are offered to them and what benefits they can gain from them.

Final outcome and summary

As a result of our collaboration, a modern and functional website was created that met all the set objectives. The precise information architecture and well-thought-out content strategy effectively present the Assured Technologies offering, while also supporting the company’s business and marketing goals.

This project confirms how important it is to deeply understand the client’s needs and the ability to transform complex technologies into a simple and clear message. We are proud to have contributed to Assured Technologies’ success and look forward to the next challenges the future will bring.